VU University

HXM Move from SAP On-Premise to ECP

Industry: Education
Region: Europe
VU University


Configuration Tables











The Client:

VU University Amsterdam

VU University Amsterdam (VU) is a public research university in Amsterdam, Netherlands, founded in 1880, and consistently ranks among the top 150 universities in the world by major ranking tables. VU has roughly 27,000 students and 5,000 employees and is an open organisation, strongly linked to people and society.

The Project:

HXM Move powered by Nexus Move

In order to save costs, drive innovation and also be able to offer integrated services to all VU University Amsterdam employees, VU University Amsterdam moved from an SAP On-Premise to an SAP Cloud Core with one of the main focuses being moving to SAP Employee Central Payroll via a Nexus Move powered migration.

The Outcomes and Benefits

Saved 6 months of work with 720% ROI

Without the Nexus Suite this would have taken more than 6 months of effort by multiple SAP functional resources.

VU University Amsterdam were able to save over 6 months of consulting fees, when compared to the cost of the software, equates to a return on investment of over 720%.

Using the Nexus Suite ensured that the migration and validation of the migration from SAP On-Premise to EC Payroll became a straightforward, low-risk part of the project. Enabling Launch! to execute the migration in a controlled way and, mitigated the continuity risk for the VU University Amsterdam payroll process.

The Data Replication Module allowed Launch! to easily migrate all of the existing VU payroll configuration in a matter of hours; additionally, the complete employee data and payroll results history was also migrated. The project team were able to leverage off the module to shift the full payroll data and history for the selected employees throughout the VU ECP landscape in a matter of seconds, allowing immediate and accurate testing and investigation to occur.

With the Payroll Verification Module Launch! and the VU project team were able to instantly compare the EC Payroll generated payroll results against the VU SAP On-Premise payroll results and leverage off the provided detailed comparison reports with Nexus allowing for Launch! to record descriptive analysis messages against each anomaly to explain the reason for any identified differences.

VU University


Ron Nooren,
Chief Operations Officer, Launch.

“The migration was so flawless to the point that VU wasn’t even aware that the Nexus Suite had been used – which is a huge compliment in itself – due to how seamlessly and smoothly the migration was executed and completed. Through the use of the Nexus Suite Launch! was able to transform an implementation that had a perceived high risk due to the migration of sensitive payroll data to virtually no risk at all.

We’ve previously worked with other 3rd party solutions supporting payroll migrations. Although none of them match the completeness of migration, the level of granularity and most of all, speed of the Nexus Suite. We absolutely highly recommend the Nexus Suite, which is rivalled by none. Launch! will therefore include the use of the Nexus Suite in all migrations and we’ll also encourage our customers to continue using the tool for BAU activities as well . Our next payroll migration with the Nexus Suite has already started.”

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There’s no reason not to move to the cloud with the Nexus Suite

Talk to our team today about your migration from SAP On-Premise to SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite. The Nexus Suite expands upon SAP making it simpler, faster and more efficient to operate, migrate and update.
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Sap Payroll Reporting